World press

Mr. Man Hee Lee, Peace, Advocate Moving the World with his Movement for Peace


Peace agreement signed with 12 former and current presidents of10 countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America
World peace activist Mr. Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”), returns to his home country on the 16th of April at Incheon Airport. Mr. Lee is returning from having toured sixteen countries in Latin
America and Eastern Europe since March. During this tour he signed peace agreements with twelve former and current presidents in ten countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Mr. Man Hee Lee – Peace Advocate Moving the World with his Movement for Peace Peace agreement signed with former and current presidents of 10
countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America
– Mr. Lee traveled the world 9 times, crying out for “cessation of wars and world peace” –
– He played a major role in the civil peace agreement of Mindanao, Philippines –
– The Romani people, the Mayans, and now the descendants of the Inca also entered into the HWPL Peace Agreement with Mr. Lee.

– Speaking at the Institute for Culture Diplomacy (ICD) symposium in Rome, Mr. Lee made an appeal for leaders to leave a world without war as a legacy for future generations – The leaders of the countries expressed their support for Mr. Lee’s work as well as their desire to be part of the movement for world peace. Each signed the peace agreement. as a token of their support and goodwill.

Mr. Man Hee Lee is an 84-year-old veteran of the Korean War. During the last three years, he embarked on as many as nine World Peace Tours during which he has met with and asked presidents around the world to consider the drafting of an internationally applicable constitution which would bring violent conflicts to an end and prohibit further wars from being fought.
World peace agreements signed with former and current presidents and leaders have come into the spotlight more and more recently. Mr. Lee also played a leading role in the civil peace agreement signed between two religious communities embroiled in a 40 year long conflict in Mindanao, Philippines.
Officials of HWPL said, “Leaders around the world were moved by Mr. Lee’s sincerity in his message of peace, and they signed an agreement with the determination to make world peace a reality by working with Mr. Lee.” Having served in the Korean war himself, Mr. Lee is well acquainted with the brutality and pain of war. Having experienced these things for himself, he has a firm foundation from which to deliver his message of inspiring hope and peace to the world.
Peace agreement with a leader of the Inca community in Peru a deluge of requests from regions of conflict asking Mr. Lee to visit During this time’s tour, Mr. Man Hee Lee signed a peace agreement with a leader of 14 million descendants of the Incas in Peru.
In Lima, Peru, Mr. Lee held a talk for peace and cooperation with Ms. Marisol Espinoza, a female leader and current vice president of Peru, and he signed a peace agreement with Inca leaders the next day.

RBC Television Channel 11, a Live News broadcasting station in Lima, Peru, covered the story of Mr. Lee’s move for world peace.

The ICD Symposium: great interest in Mr. Lee’s practical move for peace

On April 1, at the ICD symposium held in the Roman Senate, Italy, Mr. Lee was honored as the second presenter. More than 400 political and religious leaders from all over the world attended the ICD symposium. 30 minutes were allotted to each presenter and the presentation on the topic of world peace lasted a total of three hours.

During his presentation, Mr. Lee showed a short documentary concerning the International Youth Peace Group’s Walk for World Peace and Restoration – a walk hosted in the hopes of bringing wars to an end. He also spoke about the process of signing the civil peace agreement in Mindanao, Philippines which is considered an outcome of the practical peace movement. Then he appealed to the leaders present to be a part of leaving a world of peace as a legacy to future generation.
Those present expressed great interest in the Korean peace advocate who not only spoke of peace but also produced tangible results.

. List of former and current leaders who signed the peace agreement

Hans Modrow, former Prime Minister of East Germany

Alfred Gusenbauer, former Chancellor of Austria

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, former Prime Minister of Spain

Marisol Espinoza, a female leader and current Vice President of Peru

Belisario Betancur, former President of Colombia

Alvaro Colom Caballeros, former President of Guatemala

Danilo Türk, former President of Slovenia

Milan Kucan, former President of Slovenia

Iveta Radicova, former female Prime Minister of Slovakia

Ion Iliescu, former President of Romania

Zoran .ivkovi., former Prime Minster of Serbia

Mirko Cvetkovi., former Prime Minster of Serbia

Signing peace agreement with Inca leaders (Below)
Signing peace agreement with Inca leaders (Below)
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