World press

PICS: Newly discovered glass frog has transparent belly – and the guts of a lion!

Did you know: The Glass Frog has a completely transparent belly

which allows us to see its insides from underneath! Eeeewww!!! 

But this tiny little Glass Frog, recently found in the rain forests of Costa Rica, has all but the ‘what you see is what you get’ attitude…

Despite its small size and tiny intestines, the Glass Frog has the guts of a lion!

As seen here, clambering over a much larger flying tree frog. The tree frog is comfortably sitting on top of a flower bud surveying its surroundings, when it is challenged to pole position by a smaller contender.

The plucky glass frog can be seen climbing up the stalk and then over the head of the flying frog. Even daring to clasp its hand over the flying frog’s mouth!

Despite the tiniest heart beating in the frog, it’s clear that this Glass Frog has more guts than most frogs we know

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