World press

Car bomb kills one in Alexandria

A reconnaissance military helicopter flies over Cairo
A reconnaissance military helicopter flies over Cairo

CAIRO – ArabTelegraph – A car bomb killed one person and police discovered three other explosive devices, Egyptian security sources said on Tuesday, after several days of violence surrounding the anniversary of a 2011 uprising that toppled veteran autocrat Hosni Mubarak.

The car bomb exploded near a police station in Egypt’s second largest city Alexandria. Security sources blamed Islamist militants for the attack, which also wounded two people.

Assailants hurled Molotov cocktails at another police station in Alexandria, setting fire to part of the building. There were no casualties.

Two bombs planted in front of a courthouse in Cairo’s Heliopolis district were defused while a bomb in front of another courthouse in Fayoum province exploded without causing injuries, the security sources said.

In a spate of violence coinciding with the fourth anniversary of Mubarak’s overthrow, about 25 people were killed in anti-government protests on Sunday. [ID:nnL6N0V40Q7]

Sisi says he is committed to democracy in Egypt, a strategic U.S. ally with influence across the Arab world.

Islamist militants have killed hundreds of police and soldiers

A law enacted during Sisi’s rule has severely restricted demonstrations, sharply reducing unrest in Egypt.

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